Similar to dealing with texts, images and videos, e-learning experts are also faced with the challenge of how they want or need to make digital learning content accessible to the widest possible group of participants. In addition to the technical and commercial answers to this question, the actual content then comes to the fore. The localization of your e-learning content is first and foremost a process that goes beyond correct translation and includes cultural adaptation to different cultures.

Whether you are an international corporation with employees working in different countries or a multilingual company with a diverse workforce of different native speakers, you cannot avoid adapting your e-learning for your target groups. We will briefly show you the conceptual advantages, list the most important elements of e-learning localization and differentiate it from translation in terms of definition.

Advantages of e-learning localization

Let's take a quick look at the advantages of professional localization of e-learning courses. The first thing that strikes us here is the stronger identification. Localized training is available to learners in their own language and culture, which can lead to an easier connection with the learning experience. In addition, this adaptation also sends a signal to the multicultural workforce that they should feel welcome and respected by the employer.

Especially during onboarding, an easy-to-understand and comprehensible learning course helps to reduce initial fears and build trust. The difference between strict adherence to quality standards and avoiding serious violations often lies in the details. It is precisely these that people can best understand in their native language, taking into account different meanings in other cultures.


A varied mix of media in the digital learning course leads to a complex localization project. Each type of media has its subtleties and pitfalls. For example, graphics could be created without labels and then supplemented with text within the e-learning course. Videos with filmed real people and mouth movements are more complex to translate than animated videos with a narrator.

That's why our service starts with providing you with practical advice on the choice and design of media for your content or, in the case of a production order for an e-learning course, working in a localization-friendly way for you from the outset.

formats as part of a standardized localization of e-learning:

Varied media mix of e-learning localization
Dr. Michael R Kinville

Do you have any questions about e-learning localization?

Start a project with Mauth.CC and set the course for your digital transformation. Book an appointment with Mr. Kinville now!

+49 211 280711-0    |     info@mauth.cc


Wortgetreue und professionelle E-Learning-Übersetzungen (inkl. Transkription) stellen naturgemäß das Fundament einer kulturellen Adaption dar. Oftmals kommen hier Sprachdienstleister (LSP) zum Einsatz, die sich ihrerseits durch die maschinelle Übersetzung (MT) von KI-gestützen Tools eine Grobübersetzung vorgeben lassen, bevor die eigentlichen Übersetzer für die Genauigkeit der lokalisierten Version vom Online-Kurs in der globalen Lernumgebung sorgen.

This process is also given a company-specific touch in digital learning, as each customer company maintains a specific glossary for the training content, which must be developed jointly. This glossary includes terminological preferences, abbreviations, proper names, technical terms and the answer to "Where do we use an English term and where do we deliberately not?".

In the case of holistic localization, however, there are also adjustments based on the target culture and layout corrections (due to different word lengths). Every target culture and target language has its own special features for e-learning courses in terms of history, religion, idioms, laws, symbolism and customs. All of this must be taken into account when adapting the e-learning content and re-synchronizing the voiceover depending on the language. This is the only way to ensure emotionalization, relevance and identification in the creation process.

Are you looking for an experienced localization partner?

Wenn Sie hochwertige, effektive und maßgeschneiderte Lernlösungen (gestaltet mit Autorentools wie Articulate Storyline, isEazy Author, Flowsparks, Adobe Captivate, iSpring Suite & Co.) für Ihr Unternehmen suchen, dann sind Sie bei der E-Learning-Agentur Mauth.CC genau richtig. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Implementierung von Lernanwendungen, die gesellschaftliche Grenzen überschreiten und Mitarbeitende weltweit erreichen, macht uns zu einem unverzichtbaren Partner beim Erstellen von interaktivem E-Learning und der optimalen Lösung vom Lokalisierungsprozess. .

We understand the importance of language diversity in globally active companies and offer solutions that are tailored precisely to your needs. From initial consultation and planning to final implementation, we are here to help and advise you. Whether you need support in developing new learning modules or adapting existing content to different language areas, our team is ready to realize your individual vision and contribute to sustainable learning success.


The world is becoming increasingly interconnected and the ability to operate globally has become essential for businesses. In this global arena, the localization of e-learning content for the learning experience plays a central role in ensuring that learners around the globe not only have access to educational resources, but can also use them effectively in their own ethnic and linguistic environment. High-quality localization requires a deep understanding of the linguistic nuances and social contexts of target markets.

Our localization services therefore offer you not only translations, but also a comprehensive adaptation of your content to local conditions and practices. From the initial consultation of resources provided to the final implementation of your adapted learning modules, we are at your side. We help you to design your learning content so that it is not only understood, but also appreciated worldwide.

This includes a careful evaluation of existing content for its suitability in different social contexts and the efficient adaptation of this content to ensure that it is not only understandable but also relevant and engaging in other countries. Our expertise allows us to recognize societal nuances and smoothly integrate them into the design and implementation of your learning strategy to promote and technically automate true global learning success across multiple locations.