In many companies, the topic of e-learning is still essentially a "mandatory event" for compliance training to teach legal requirements or rules of conduct. A creative e-learning concept ensures the desired enthusiasm for learning.
There is great potential in the digital teaching of application-related skills that contribute to corporate goals. The advantages of e-learning over traditional forms of learning have already been demonstrated many times. This needs to be taken into account as part of e-learning consulting and incorporated into the next project phases in the best possible way.
Der Erfolg digitaler Lernaktivitäten hängt jedoch stark von der Qualität der Implementation der einzelnen Lernprozesse ab. Wird das Konzept der virtuellen Lernerlebnisse instruktionell unausgereift oder an der ZielgruppeZielgruppe im Bildungsbereich: Gruppe von Personen mit gemeinsamen Merkmalen, für die Bil… Mehr vorbei formuliert und entwickelt, missglückt der gewünschte Wissens- und Lerntransfer des erstellten Lernkonzepts.
With the strategic e-learning concept for corporate topics from our e-learning agency turns dry specialist topics, for example, into sustainable learning experiences that provide employees with up-to-date knowledge and lead to a motivating sense of achievement.
Would you like to use company-specific topics and intelligent e-learning to impart knowledge, train specific skills in the long term and further consolidate knowledge? Then we can help you with a suitable guideline for a rough concept called CAESAR .
Make the life, work or application context clear from the outset and refer to it consistently.
Once the context is clear, the aim is to activate the learners with a task or problem that needs to be solved with the help of the learning module.
Die Teilnehmenden werden angeleitet, Handlungsoptionen zu explorieren. Durch direktes FeedbackFeedback ist eine unmittelbare Rückmeldung, die Lernenden hilft, ihren Lernfortschritt zu… Mehr werden Konsequenzen und unterschiedliche Handlungsweisen erfahrbar.
Specialist knowledge is required to solve the problems. This is taught in a concrete and action-oriented way as individual "skills" that build on each other.
Learners apply the skills to several application examples. However, they should not be "overtrained".
New knowledge can only be retrieved by linking it to existing prior knowledge. This is why newly acquired skills are linked to existing skills.
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Let's assume that we define together in the initial analysis that the learning objective of a product training course is "Sales employees should be able to explain and demonstrate the benefits of the product to specialist dealers". In order to achieve these e-learning objectives, product knowledge, communication and problem-solving skills are required. To this end, we develop specific learning modules for the digital learning platform that not only impart comprehensive knowledge about the product via storytelling, but also cover the necessary communication techniques to be able to respond effectively to questions and objections from specialist dealers. We also integrate scenarios that present sales staff with real-life challenges in order to hone their problem-solving skills.
These practical exercises are supplemented by interactive learning formats such as role plays and simulations, which allow participants to apply and consolidate what they have learned in a safe environment. This ensures that the company's employees not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but are also able to put it into practice in their day-to-day work. Regular feedback loops, checklists and adjustments to the course material and detailed concept in line with participants' progress and feedback promote continuous learning progress and ensure that the detailed learning objectives are effectively achieved.
Yes, actively teaching communication and problem-solving skills in an e-learning course is possible! A study by Aslan from 2021 analyzes that e-learning courses based on problem-based learning (PBL) can promote the development of communication and problem-solving skills.
Before the production of the learning modules begins, it is essential to carefully evaluate the source materials and design a detailed storyboard on this basis. This storyboard is then thoroughly reviewed and approved by the relevant specialist department to ensure that all necessary content and learning objectives are taken into account and that the needs of the target group are covered. Only then is the selected authoring tool - for example from our our authoring tool comparison - the learning units are created professionally and attractively.
Daily practice shows that the design of e-learning solutions is more complex depending on the target group, level of competence and individual framework conditions. This is why numerous customers rely on our in-depth expertise as leading experts in the field of e-learning design and implementation. We provide our clients with comprehensive support in consultingconception, creation and localization of your learning content. Outsourcing this crucial phase in e-learning project management allows you to save time, use resources efficiently and face the pressure of completion with confidence.
In order to meet your expectations of effective e-learning experiences, it is particularly important to first develop the concept and structure of the learning program that combines individual e-learning and blended learning. The handover of the e-learning concept to you includes a detailed formulation of learning objectives that are specifically tailored to the requirements of your organization and your employees. In designing these learning objectives, we take into account the existing level of knowledge of the participants and strive to expand this through targeted, visually prepared content and creative instructional design. Our online learning platforms offer the ideal environment for this by responding flexibly to the technical requirements of users and providing a variety of interactive elements such as quizzes that make the content not only effective but also engaging.
Ebenso ist es unser Ziel, durch diese hybride Lernumsetzung, das Beste aus beiden Lenwelten zu vereinen. Während die digitalen Lernmodule eigenständiges Lernen fördern und zeitlich sowie örtlich flexibel gestaltet sind, ermöglichen die Präsenzphasen eine tiefergehende Interaktion und Diskussion, die oft für das Verständnis komplexer Themen notwendig ist. Die Verbindung dieser beiden Lernformen ermöglicht es, individuell angepasste Lernwege zu schaffen, die sowohl die Selbstlernkompetenz stärken als auch das kooperative Aneignen in Gruppen fördern. Indem wir innovative Lernstrategien anwenden, die auf Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen abgestimmt sind, helfen wir Ihnen, eine LernumgebungEine Lernumgebung ist ein digitaler Lernraum, der durch Inhalte, Technologien, Interaktion… Mehr zu schaffen, die durch konkrete Inhalte nicht nur informiert, sondern auch inspiriert und motiviert.
Benefit from over 20 years of experience in the e-learning industry.