Die Produktion von E-Learnings startet mit der Konzeptionierung des Kurses und der passenden Toolauswahl. In der Projektphase der Erstellung stehen dann im Bereich des E-Learning-Designs zwei Hauptarten von Design im Fokus: das Instructional Design (Instruktionsdesign) und das Grafikdesign. Während das Instruktionsdesign den Prozess beschreibt, bei dem Inhalte in verständliche und fesselnde Lernmaterialien umgewandelt werden, konzentriert sich das Grafikdesign im E-Learning darauf, den Inhalt attraktiv und interaktiv zu gestalten.
Dabei geht es nicht nur darum, dass etwas „schön aussieht“, sondern vielmehr darum, wie das Design den Erfolg des E-Learnings beeinflusst. Ein gelungenes Design ist entscheidend für den ersten Eindruck der Lernenden und kann sowohl ihre Motivation als auch ihr Verständnis der Schulung steigern. Idealerweise vermittelt es sogar Botschaften und erleichtert das Erinnern an die gelernten Inhalte im Kurs. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach dem passenden Design für Ihr E-Learning sind, sollten Sie zunächst überlegen, wer Ihre ZielgruppeZielgruppe im Bildungsbereich: Gruppe von Personen mit gemeinsamen Merkmalen, für die Bil… Mehr ist und welche visuellen Elemente und Effekte zur Erreichung der Lernziele relevant sind. Haben Sie sich für eine Richtung entschieden, achten Sie darauf, dass die Designsprache im Projekt konsistent angewendet wird.
There are numerous design styles that you can use and even combine as a learning designer. Below you will find a tried and tested selection of basic graphic design styles:
Minimalism is characterized by simplicity in the use of color, typography and composition and aims to convey content with clarity and efficiency. This style offers a clear and attractive aesthetic, improved usability and a coherent focus on the essentials.
This style could be described as a subcategory of minimalism. It is characterized by a two-dimensional visual language and avoids all design elements that create a 3D effect, such as drop shadows, bevels and textures. It is scalable, user-friendly and modern. Flat design has developed as a counter-current to skeuomorphism, a style that attempts to reproduce objects as realistically as possible. Flat design is particularly suitable for mobile user interfaces in e-learning. Google, for example, introduced a similar style, Material Design, in 2014.
Unlike flat design, this style uses three-dimensional illustrations, models and effects to create the tangible illusion of depth and realism in the e-learning course.
Isometrics is a special form of 3D design in which three-dimensional objects are created in a two-dimensional plane so that they create the perception of spatial depth. This method combines the advantages of 3D with simpler design and greater visibility of detail.
This design style is inspired by past eras and uses elements and concepts from the 1920s to the 1990s. It creates unique and nostalgic aesthetics, evokes emotions in suitable target groups and offers creative freedom when integrating into the learning experience.
This classic concept uses geometric shapes, patterns and abstract elements to create visual interest. It allows creative freedom, offers a variety of interpretations and can convey a modern aesthetic.
This style is inspired by comics and cartoons and uses simplified, exaggerated and sometimes humorous illustrations for learning content. It creates a playful and entertaining aesthetic, enables graphically clear communication and is appealing to different learners.
This style uses only lines to depict shapes, contours and textures. Lineart is usually drawn in black and white. The advantages are clear and simple representations, good scalability and the possibility for creative experiments.
This style combines different images, textures and graphics to create a compositional unity. The combination of illustration and photography can create unique, engaging content with a playful touch that can captivate the viewer and tell visual stories.
This style strives to make images or graphics look as realistic as possible, often through detailed rendering and high texture resolution. It creates a convincing and immersive visual experience and is well suited for product presentations or architectural visualizations.
Benefit from over 20 years of experience in the e-learning industry.