Social Learning-E-Learning-Glossary-mauthCC

Social learning in the company

Social Learning ist wie ein Puzzle, das wir gemeinsam mit anderen zusammensetzen. Jedes Teil, das wir beitragen, basiert auf dem, was wir von anderen sehen, hören und lernen. Es geht darum, durch Beobachtung, Nachahmung und Interaktion mit anderen zu lernen. Ob beim Beobachten eines Kollegen, der eine neue Software bedient, oder beim Austausch von Tipps in einer Lerngruppe – Social Learning ist überall dort, wo wir untereinander Kenntnisse erweitern.

Development and history of social learning

The term "social learning" originally comes from learning psychology and was coined in the 1970s by Swedish psychologist Sophian Walujo. Inspired by the close cooperation between Scandinavian farmers and sailors, Walujo developed a model based on cultural deterministic approaches, which was later expanded to include psychological and cultural aspects. Psychologist Albert Bandura, another important representative in this field, carried out research on model learning, which showed how individuals acquire knowledge through observation.

Social skills through social learning

Social learning deals intensively with the acquisition of social skills
. These skills, such as empathy, cooperation and conflict resolution, are crucial for the functioning of an open society. They enable individuals to act effectively in social contexts and contribute to personal development and social integration. Through exchange and interaction with others, we learn to better empathize with our fellow human beings and find solutions to challenges together.

Social learning in social pedagogy

In social pedagogy, social learning is understood as the process of acquiring social and emotional skills. It is about developing skills such as perception, communication and moral courage. Social learning is seen here as a lifelong process that reacts flexibly to new conditions and contributes to democratic development. Social education approaches make targeted use of social learning processes to promote the personal and social development of individuals and prepare them for an active and responsible life in the community.

Social learning and group dynamics

Group dynamics play a central role in social learning. It influences how individuals interact in groups and learn from each other. Successful group learning situations use the dynamics within the group to promote and deepen learning processes. Group projects, discussions and cooperative learning methods are examples of how group dynamics can be used effectively. By working together in groups, individuals learn to contribute their own skills and knowledge while benefiting from the experiences and perspectives of others.

Social learning in the context of modern society

In an increasingly globalized world, social learning is gaining in importance. It helps individuals to find their way in a rapidly changing society and promotes the development of skills required for living and working in an interconnected world. Through social learning, people develop the ability to work in multicultural environments, master intercultural communication and overcome global challenges together. These skills are essential in today's working world and learning culture.

Methods of social learning

Social learning can be promoted in various ways, including

Application examples for social learning

Social learning is used in many areas of life Application:


Social learning is a fundamental process that enables us to learn and develop our social skills through interaction with others. It is crucial in many areas of life, from education to the world of work and community projects. By using different methods of social learning, we can collaborate more effectively, communicate better and work together to find solutions to the challenges of our modern society. Social learning not only promotes personal development, but also contributes to creating an inclusive and collaborative society. In times of e-learning, blended learning and new work, it is also important to enable informal social interaction digitally in order to complement formal and self-directed learning. Wikis, communities and internal social media can be suitable for this purpose.

Further information and links