Group work E Learning Glossary mauthCC
Group work 2

Group work explained simply

Group work is an art form where different minds, talents and perspectives come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. In group work, everyone brings their unique skills and ideas to achieve common goals, whether at school, in the workplace or in social projects.

Background information

Group work can occur in different forms and in different contexts. It is a central element in the organization of work, in the Didactics and in social work. In each of these areas, group work has specific goals and methods.

  1. Work organization: The aim here is to increase efficiency and productivity by distributing tasks among a group of employees. This not only promotes collaboration, but also the exchange of knowledge and skills.
  2. Didactics: Group work is used in educational institutions to promote cooperative learning. Students or participants learn to solve problems together, develop projects and learn from each other.
  3. Social work: Group work is used as a method to strengthen social skills, build support networks and develop collaborative solutions to social problems.

A key aspect of group work is facilitation. Effective moderation helps to control group dynamics, resolve conflicts and ensure that every group member can make a contribution.

Methods and techniques of group work

The key techniques of group work include brainstorming, decision-making and feedback. Brainstorming encourages creativity and the emergence of new solutions. Decision-making through voting or consensus building helps the group to come up with common solutions. Feedback and reflection are crucial to ensure that all members are heard and the group learns from their experiences.

Aims of the group workPromoting creativity, problem-solving skills and social skills; increasing efficiency and productivity; sharing knowledge and skills.
Roles in the groupLeaders, coordinators, idea providers, implementers, moderators. Each member can take on different roles, depending on the task and the group dynamics.
Communication stylesOpen and honest communication, active listening, constructive feedback. Communication is the key to successful group work.
ChallengesConflict management, different working styles and personalities, maintaining motivation and commitment, effective decision-making.
Use of technologyDigital communication tools, project management software, platforms for joint document processing. Technology supports collaboration, especially in virtual teams.
Performance measurementDefinition of clear targets and performance indicators, regular evaluation of the Group's progress, feedback rounds for continuous improvement.
Diversity and inclusionConsideration of different perspectives and backgrounds, promotion of an inclusive and respectful working atmosphere. Diversity can increase the group's creativity and problem-solving ability.

Use of technology in group work

Technologies such as Slack, Trello and Microsoft Teams are revolutionizing group work by enabling efficient communication and organization, even when team members are physically separated. Virtual teams can work together across different time zones, which promotes flexibility and diversity in group work. Technology-supported collaboration makes it possible to work on documents together in real time and exchange information quickly and efficiently.

Further information and links

  1. Group work in the work organization
  2. Group work in didactics