...and their solution with the Flowsparks authoring tool.

Productivity, costs, quality - every e-learning department is familiar with this classic competition for objectives from the day-to-day work of content development. 

These challenges in e-learning are often accompanied by the following questions: 

  • Which media didactic approach suits the learning objectives?
  • How much time do I really have for the design phase?
  • How do I make the learning application fully responsive?
  • Have we underestimated the effort required to maintain and update existing learning content?

Entdecken Sie, wie das Autorentool FLOWSPARKS diese Herausforderungen auf eine innovative Art und Weise meistert.


How can the development effort per learning unit be reduced?

A large collection of templates for learning formats makes the development of storyboards easier and production faster. The combination of small learning units ("micro-units") enables reuse and thus increases productivity. The navigation is already defined for all learning formats - so you don't have to deal with technical details.

Productivity 2
Insight into a learning template from Flowsparks


How can you be sure you are pursuing the right instructional design?

Predefined learning formats are based on media didactic principles that have been tried and tested over many years. They can be selected according to the learning objective and thus ensure that every author finds the right format for their project. They also cover the full spectrum of learning scenarios:


How can the effort involved in maintaining and updating learning content be kept to a minimum?

SCORM files in the learning management system can be updated in real time throughout the entire runtime - without re-uploading to the LMS and complex data management. Component-oriented development allows you to update individual elements without having to "touch" others. To make your work even easier, FLOWSPARKSincludes a content management system that enables version management and searching for content elements.


How can subject matter experts make changes and release learning content independently and with little effort?

The coordination and approval process can be organized in three different ways: external links, review and edit mode. Review and edit permissions can be assigned at learning format level, allowing subject matter experts to take content ownership for specific learning formats. Text and media are always separated from each other in the templates - this makes changes even easier for subject matter experts.


How can learning applications offer a consistent user experience regardless of the device used?

Thanks to the automatic rearrangement of individual elements, all learning formats adapt independently to the screen size of the end devices used and are therefore fully responsive - without the need for manual adjustment by the developers.

A uniform look and feel and the same navigation on all end devices ensure that the learning applications are recognizable and branded. Authoring is also possible on all platforms without restriction. Changes can therefore be made anytime and anywhere.

Screen of a Flowsparks template


How do we manage to make our e-learning offerings emotionally tangible and experienceable?

A modern design with a focus on videos, large-format images and interactions creates an emotional connection and high attention value. The various smart programs provide an overview - these allow the user interface to be changed with just a few clicks.

Gamification elements such as user-controlled video sequences (smart game), 360-degree views, ranking lists, rating stars and milestones also boost motivation.


How can we organize the adaptation of learning content in several languages systematically and efficiently?

With FLOWSPARKS, all language versions are managed within one module. This makes the localization process clearer and more consistent. All texts, including video subtitles, can be exported and re-imported in XLS or XLIFF format, significantly reducing the number of process steps required. The responsive design eliminates the need for subsequent resizing of elements due to different text lengths.

Screen of a learning template

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Dr. Michael R. Kinville