Woman reflects on e-learning history.


In just a few decades, e-learning technology has opened up whole new worlds of electronic learning opportunities. From delivering e-learning to even the most remote locations, to virtual reality (VR) in the workplace context and artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized learning, new technologies are changing the way we train employees and giving authors more efficient tools than ever before.

In this blog post, we take a look back at the history of e-learning - from its humble beginnings as an experimental concept to its current status as one of the most powerful forces in learning worldwide.

Early beginnings in the history of e-learning

Der Ursprung von E-Learning liegt im Fernunterricht. Bereits im 19. Jahrhundert gab es die Möglichkeit, sich durch Korrespondenzkurse Wissen anzueignen. Mit der Entwicklung von Computer- und Internettechnologien wurden die ersten digitalen Lernsysteme entwickelt. Hierbei handelte es sich um Computer-Programme, die den Learner in unterschiedlichen Themenbereichen unterstützen sollten. Dies war der Beginn einer neuen Ära, die das Potenzial der Digitalisierung in der Weiterbildung erkannte.

1990s: e-learning becomes popular

The first concepts for computer-based learning were developed back in the 1960s. E-learning also began to become really popular with the increase in Internet access in the 1990s. During this time, the concept of learning management systems (LMS) was developed, on which learning material, exercises and communication with course instructors were made available. With the advent of the World Wide Web (www) and the development of learning platforms in the 2000s, e-learning became increasingly widespread. 

The first e-learning platforms included WebCT (now part of Blackboard) and Moodle. These platforms enabled (prospective) professionals to access e-learning online and thereby expand their professional skills. The advantage of this new method was obvious: by collaboration between trainers and employees enabled them to learn independently of time and place and at their own pace.


The digital transformation is changing the way we work and learn. Corporate structures are opening up and new ones are emerging, blurring the boundaries between working and learning. This requires new forms of learning that help companies to support employees in their development, make knowledge available across company boundaries and integrate e-learning into everyday working life.


In enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden planen und entwickeln wir interaktive Lerninhalte, die individuell auf das jeweilige Unternehmen zugeschnitten sind und gestalten Lernprozesse, die ihre Organisation weiterbringen. Mit unserem Service für die Entwicklung von unternehmensspezifischem E-Learning, werden die Fachthemen unserer Kunden zu nachhaltigen Lernerlebnissen, die Mitarbeitende aktiveren und Wissen langfristig verankern. Die Teilnehmenden werden angeregt, sich aktiv mit den Lerninhalten auseinanderzusetzen und sich neues Wissen anzueignen.

E-learning history

21st century: E-learning in the age of the internet

Mit der Digitalisierung und dem Aufkommen des Web 2.0 wurde das E-Learning zunehmend interaktiver und vernetzter. Die globale Vernetzung ermöglichte zudem die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehrenden und Personen mit unterschiedlichen geografischen und kulturellen Hintergründen.

Another important milestone in its history is the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which provide access to education and training without borders. Since then, it has been possible to take online courses at renowned universities and educational institutions in order to learn new skills or deepen existing knowledge. It is impossible to imagine life without the internet as a communication medium.

In addition, the introduction of adaptive learning systems and personalized learning strategies has also opened up new possibilities in the area of learning concept have opened up. These enable the learning content to be individually adapted to the respective needs of the participants and their prior knowledge and skills.

The corona pandemic has had a huge impact on and revolutionized the field of e-learning. With the closure of schools, universities, training institutes and staff academies worldwide, distance learning, e-learning and webinars became the norm. Adaptations to video conferencing, digital courses and online exams became necessary to maintain the learning process. Home-learning has shown that education can be flexible and location-independent, offering a great deal of flexibility to both course participants and course leaders. Despite the difficulties and challenges, the corona pandemic has underlined the importance of e-learning and consolidated e-learning as a central pillar of modern education.
History of e-learning

Current trends and forms of e-learning

In recent years, a number of interesting trends have emerged in the field of e-learning. These include, among others:

  • Mobile learning: The steadily growing use of smartphones and tablets means that learning on the go has become easier and easier. E-learning content is often optimized for mobile devices and therefore offers flexibility and accessibility.
  • Gamification: Game mechanics and elements are increasingly being integrated into learning environments to make the learning process more exciting and motivating. Serious games are a clear example of how learning can be made fun and entertaining.
  • Blended learning: An approach that combines traditional face-to-face events with digital learning opportunities. The result is a hybrid form of learning that attempts to combine the best of both worlds. Such approaches can be used successfully in sales training, for example.

The future of e-learning

If we look to the future, e-learning offers countless potentials and challenges that will have a lasting impact on the educational landscape. Here are some of the opportunities we can expect in the coming years:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: These technologies can support course participants even more in the individual learning process and adapt teaching materials even better. In addition, the effectiveness of learning content can be optimized through the analysis of learning behavior and progress.
  • Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR): These technologies offer exciting new possibilities for learning and experiencing content. Immersion and immersion in learning scenarios can help to increase motivation and learning success.
  • Integration into various areas of life and work: E-learning is increasingly being used as part of in-company training. Virtual learning is also becoming increasingly important in a private context, as it can help to promote lifelong learning and support personal and professional development.


The rapid development of e-learning technology has opened up countless learning opportunities in recent decades and revolutionized the way we learn in learning units. The impressive history of e-learning shows that it is not just a short-lived phenomenon, but has become an integral part of our learning programs in education and training.

Angesichts der aktuellen Trends und zukünftigen Lernformen wie Mobile Learning, Gamification, Blended Learning und neuen Technologien wie künstlicher Intelligenz, VR/AR und der Integration von E-Learning in verschiedenste Lebens- und Bildungsbereiche ist es klar, dass E-Learning sein didaktisches Potenzial im digitalen Lernen noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft hat.

It's time to take a closer look at e-learning and explore the many opportunities it offers for personal and professional development. Seize the opportunities that e-learning offers to enhance your skills through interaction, acquire new knowledge and become part of the digital learning revolution. The future of learning is in your hands - use it!