Rapid Authoring: Schnell und effizient E-Learning erstellen

Rapid Authoring mit einem Autorentool

RAPID AUTHORING: SCHNELL UND EFFIZIENT E-LEARNING ERSTELLEN Entdecken Sie, wie Rapid Authoring das Erstellen von E-Learning revolutioniert. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit minimalem Aufwand professionelle und ansprechende Inhalte für Ihr Learning Management System erstellen können. Ideal für Unternehmen, die ihre E-Learning-Erstellung beschleunigen möchten. Einleitung In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt ist es entscheidend, Lerninhalte effizient und […]

Individual-Content für maßgeschneidertes E-Learning im Training

Individual-Content für maßgeschneidertes E-Learning

INDIVIDUAL-CONTENT FÜR MAßGESCHNEIDERTES E-LEARNING IM TRAINING In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist individuelles E-Learning für Unternehmen von entscheidender Bedeutung, um die Soft Skills für Führungskräfte zu entwickeln, insbesondere im Bereich der Corporate Aus- und Weiterbildung. Die Anpassung von Lerninhalten an spezifische Anforderungen und Zielgruppen ermöglicht es, Weiterbildung und Schulungen effektiver zu gestalten. In diesem Artikel […]

Differences between external customer academies and internal staff academies

Participants in a customer academy

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXTERNAL CUSTOMER ACADEMIES AND INTERNAL STAFF ACADEMIES Introduction In today's business world, continuous professional development plays a central role in the success of companies. While internal training courses aim to strengthen employees' skills, external customer academies are becoming increasingly important. These academies make it possible to train customers and partners effectively and strengthen relationships. Importance [...]

E-learning design: Visualizing the instructional design in e-learning

E-learning design overview

E-LEARNING DESIGN: VISUALIZING INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN IN E-LEARNING The production of e-learning courses starts with the conceptual design of the course and the selection of suitable tools. In the project phase of creation, the focus is then on two main types of design in the area of e-learning design: instructional design and graphic design. While instructional design describes the process by which content is [...]

Understanding the differences between e-learning, WBT & microlearning

Differences between e-learning, WBT and microlearning

UNTERSCHIEDE ZWISCHEN E-LEARNING, WBT (WEB-BASED TRAINING) & MICROLEARNING Einleitung Dieser Artikel vertieft das Verständnis für die Unterschiede zwischen diesen drei Begriffen der digitalen Schulung. Während auf unserer Webseite bereits vielfältige Erläuterungen zu E-Learning, WBT und Microlearning zu finden sind, fokussieren wir uns hier auf deren praktische Anwendungen, deren Aufbau für die Didaktik sowie die spezifischen Argumente […]

A journey through time: Mauth.CC at the LEARNTEC

LEARNTEC e-learning trade fair

TIME TRAVEL: MAUTH.CC AT THE LEARNTEC TRADE FAIR INSIGHTS INTO TWELVE YEARS OF E-LEARNING TRADE FAIR JOIN US ON THE TIME TRAVEL WITH LEARNTEC TRADE FAIR If you want to successfully establish yourself on the market as a modern e-learning agency, you cannot avoid a reliable marketing strategy. For several years now, the centerpiece of this strategy has been exhibiting at the largest trade fair for [...]

Defining learning objectives in e-learning: key strategies for sustainable success

Learning objectives in the focus of e-learning

FORMULATING THE RIGHT LEARNING OBJECTIVES IN E-LEARNING COURSE PLANNING Introduction Digital staff development has developed rapidly, and with it the need to define effective learning objectives in e-learning. Learning objectives serve as the basis for the didactic design of course content and the assessment of learning success. This article examines why well-defined learning objectives are essential for the success of e-learning courses [...].

What does an instructional designer do in e-learning?

Instructional designer for e-learning conception

WAS MACHT EIN INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER IM E-LEARNING? Instructional Designer, häufig auch als Instruktionsdesigner bezeichnet, sind unverzichtbare Experten in der Personalentwicklung, die eine maßgebliche Rolle für den Erfolg des Lernprozesses in einem Unternehmen spielen. Ihre Aufgabe besteht darin, Lernabläufe und -materialien auf höchstem Niveau als E-Learning zu erstellen, zu entwickeln und zu evaluieren, um sicherzustellen, dass […]

Awareness courses as e-learning with edutainment

Awarenow: Awareness courses as e-learning

AWARENESS COURSES AS E-LEARNING WITH EDUTAINMENT Introduction In today's fast-paced world, it is crucial to continuously expand your knowledge in order to keep up with the constant changes and stay on the path to success. In this context, a highly innovative method is becoming increasingly important: edutainment, in which education and entertainment are [...]

Mobile learning: definition and special features

Employee uses mobile learning

MOBILE LEARNING: DEFINITION AND SPECIAL FEATURES OF MOBILE LEARNING Mobile learning, also known as m-learning, adapts the way of learning through the use of mobile devices. These are usually smartphones and tablets that are already owned by the learners. These innovative technologies enable users to learn regardless of their location [...]